Tuesday, 24 June 2014

colour therapy , see whcih is yours

It is not disputed that light affects us. Conventional medicine utilizes light therapy to treat certain conditions. Phototherapy directs ultraviolet light to the affected skin area of acne and psoriasis patients. Blue light is used to treat hyperbiliruminemia, a liver condition in premature babies. Full spectrum light is used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Light is incorporated into sleep disorder treatment based on its affect on melatonin production. Light is composed of a spectrum. Color is light split into wavelengths of energy. Each wavelength vibrates at its own speed and frequency. We perceive color because an object either reflects or absorbs various wavelengths. White reflects all wavelengths and absorbs none. Black absorbs all wavelengths and reflects none. We see an object as a specific color because it absorbs all the other wavelengths and reflects its own. For example, a green object absorbs all other wavelengths and reflects green.
It is proposed that the organs and glands of our bodies also vibrate at specific frequencies. Color therapy is believed to work based on the specific frequencies of the color spectrum matching the frequencies generated by our bodies. Illness may be the result of our organs and glands not vibrating at their proper frequencies. Restoring the frequency, a form of recalibration, may result in improved function and therefore better health.
Wearing Color Therapy Glasses is a convenient and efficient way to apply color therapy. It is believed that the color entering the eyes is directed to the hypothalamus gland, on to the pineal gland, and then to the pituitary gland. As the brain processes the information, it is believed that cellular change is activated. The frequency of the color may be transmitted to the area of the body which recognizes and aligns with it. Since the vibration/frequency of the color is constant, it may fine tune the corresponding area of the body. If used regularly, the body may learn to function on its own. This follows the principals of physical therapy for injury.
The association of color to health dates back to ancient texts in India, China, and Egypt. It is not an exact science and, as in all theories and practices, will benefit from further study.
These are the seven (7) leading colors used in color therapy.
  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Yellow
  4. Green
  5. Blue
  6. Indigo
  7. Violet
There are three (3) additional colors that are considered beneficial to health and well-being.
  1. Magenta
  2. Aqua
  3. Baker-Miller Pink
The following is information on how each color is used in color therapy.

RED has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum and lowest rate of vibration. Possible benefits of RED color therapy include:
  • Stimulate the automatic nervous system
  • Stimulate the liver
  • Act as a postulant (drawing poisons for elimination)
  • Help with female disorders
  • Reduce inflammation and swelling
  • Increase heart strength and stimulate circulation
  • Support blood building
  • Help with sleep
  • Help with Turrets Syndrome
Possible benefits of ORANGE color therapy include:
  • Stimulate the lungs to increase oxygen
  • Stimulate the thyroid
  • Depress the parathyroid gland
  • Relieve cramping and convulsions, including menstrual cramps
  • Relieve hiccups (hiccoughs)
  • Relieve digestive gas; flatulence
  • Support blood building
  • Increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers
  • Help skin conditions such as boils, carbuncles, and abscesses
  • Stimulate respiratory system
  • Help with Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Tuberculosis, & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
YELLOW is linked to the stomach, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Possible benefits of YELLOW color therapy are:
  • Destruction of worms in the body
  • Strengthen the nervous system
  • Strengthen the heart for better circulation
  • Help with night blindness because it filters out blue light
  • Depress the spleen and parathyroid gland
  • Stimulate the lymphatic glands
  • Increase appetite. Better assimilation of food
  • Stimulates and builds nerves
  • May assist in recovery from stroke induced paralysis
  • May boost performance of sluggish organs
  • Help eliminate calcium and lie deposits
  • Improve effects of rheumatoid arthritis, neuritis, etc.

GREEN is the master color. It is associated with the pituitary (master) gland. It is considered useful for overall health and healing, whether chronic or acute. Possible benefits of GREEN include:
  • Accelerate healing of sores, bruises and cuts
  • Dissolving blood clots
  • Stimulate the digestive system
  • Stimulate the brain
  • Promote the release of mucus and phlegm
  • Fight infection
  • Accelerate burn recovery, when used in conjunction with aqua
AQUA is associated most strongly with skin and eyes. Possible benefits of color therapy using AQUA lenses:
  • Relieve headaches
  • Harmonize all circulation processes
  • Help with scarring
  • Rebuild skin damaged by burns, scratches, infections or sores
  • Reduce inflammation of the skin, itching, and irritation
  • Relieve fever
  • Act as a mild sedative (with no side effects)
  • Relieve aches and pains
  • Remove muscle fatigue toxins (lactic acid, etc.)
  • Combat macular degeneration
  • Reported to improve vision and relieve eye stress
  • Help with Dyslexia

BLUE is associated with the thyroid, parathyroid, throat, mouth, and lungs. It is considered stronger than aqua. Possible benefits of BLUE color therapy:
  • Relax and calm muscles
  • Weight loss
  • Shrink tumors
  • Eliminate goiters
  • Act as a bactericide (useful for acne and skin disorders)
  • Relieve itching, skin irritations and inflammation
  • Sleep disorders (has a peaceful effect)
  • Eliminate warts
  • Rebuild skin damaged by burns, scratches, infections or sores
  • Reduce pain from burns
  • Relieve fever
  • Help with Dyslexia
INDIGO is associated with ear, eye, sinus, nasal, and throat problems. Possible benefits of INDIGO color therapy:
  • Depress the thyroid while stimulating the parathyroid glands concurrently
  • Act as an analgesic
  • Reduce swelling and relieve associated pain
  • Act as an alternative antibiotic
  • Proposed to be more powerful than prescription antibiotics with no side effects
  • Sedative
  • Assist to achieve deep sleep
  • Waken refreshed, rested, and alert
  • Stop hemorrhages and nose bleeds
  • Astringent
  • Tightens, tones, and firms skin
VIOLET is associated with the immune system and considered an overall immune system enhancer. Possible benefits of VIOLET color therapy:
  • Stimulate hormonal activity
  • Calm nerves
  • Relax excitable people
  • Depress overactive parts of body EXCEPT spleen and parathyroid
  • Promote deep, restful sleep
  • Stimulate the spleen
  • Help increase production of white corpuscles
  • Help cleanse toxins from blood prior to return to heart
  • Potential antibiotic effect
  • Destroy harmful organisms in blood
  • Cardiac support
  • Relax muscles and nerves controlling the heart
  • Relieve diarrhea and dysentery
  • Appetite suppressant
MAGENTA is primarily associated with the circulatory system. Possible benefits of color therapy using MAGENTA include:
  • Stimulate and build the heart
  • Balance blood pressure
  • Strengthen reproductive organs
  • Normalize kidney functionInfertility
  • Normalize veins and arteries
  • Normalize adrenal glands
BAKER-MILLER PINK was named after Commander Miller and Warden Baker of the US Naval Correctional Center in Seattle, Washington. In 1979, they participated in a psychological study using this color at their facility. Possible benefits of BAKER-MILLER PINK are:
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Relaxation
  • Stress relief
  • Calming
  • Reduce aggression

Color therapy glasses fun facts: RED and MAGENTA may help with sleep.
A small clinical study showed red or magenta glasses worn after sundown increased melatonin secretion by 70%. While watching TV or being in a movie theater after 9:00 pm, wear MAGENTA colored glasses to block out the green light for better sleep.
Color Therapy Glasses are generally worn for 10-30 minutes each. Some clients prefer to wear them for up to 60 minutes per session, especially when working toward a specific desired outcome.
Each color has primary strengths but multiple applications. For example:
  • Baker-Miler Pink is a popular weight loss tool to help suppress appetite.
  • Yellow is a favorite among arthritis and neuritis sufferers.
  • Magenta may benefit individuals with blood pressure issues.
  • Blue lenses have been used for dyslexia.
At Body Balance Center, Inc., we will work with you to determine which colors are best suited to help meet your needs and expectations. The glasses are designed to be worn over prescription glasses or alone.
Color therapy may compliment medical treatment. If you choose to use color therapy in this manner, please notify your medical practitioner or physician.
Body Balance Center has been a destination holistic health facility since 1986. We hold an A rating with the Better Business Bureau. The use of Color Therapy Glasses is just one of the beneficial services we offer.

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