Are you interested in finding out more about colour
therapy? Here we present a guide to how therapists diagnose and treat
patients with colour.
There are a number of ways that colour therapists can diagnose their patients.
The first is called the Luscher Test. This entails being shown eight coloured cards. You are then asked to choose three that appeal to you. These colours relate to your emotional, mental and physical health and may reveal imbalances that need to be corrected.
Kinesiology This technique tests the muscles to discover any weak areas in the body. To find which colour is needed, a therapist will normally ask you to hold up each colour with your left hand, while holding your right arm horizontally across your body. As you look at each colour, the therapist will gently push your right arm. When no resistance is felt in the arm, therapists believe this means you
This technique can help diagnose any colours that you are lacking. A pendulum handing from either a cord or a chain is used and normally swings clockwise or anticlockwise in response to each question you answer with a 'yes' or 'no' response. The therapist works through the eight spectrum colours searching for a 'yes' response to show the colour you require.
Colour diagnostic chart
Some therapists use this more complex method, based on the 32 vertebras of the spine. According to this method, the spine is divided into four sections, each containing eight vertebrae, relating to one of the colours of the spectrum.
From the top of the spine downwards, the first eight vertebrae make up mental health, the second eight emotional health, the next eight metabolism and the final eight physical health.
The therapist will ask you to sign your name on the back of a chart of the spine. The theory is that your signature contains your vibration and acts as a 'witness' - ie shows your energy. The therapist then dowses the spine to see which vertebrae need attention.
Therapists use different methods of treatment. One method of treatment involves shining light from a machine through stained glass filters onto the affected part of the body. You wear a white robe throughout the session and the therapist first carefully sets the machine so that it emits colour in its correct amounts.
Another treatment involves the therapist initially scanning your body and sensing the condition of your aura by moving his or her hands up and down your body. You are then treated by being draped in a silk of the appropriate colour and left in a bright room to absorb the maximum light. Alternatively a lamp can be used to illuminate the treatment room with the right colour.
Therapists claim improvement in many conditions often shows after three colour treatments. Between sessions you may be advised to wear certain colours, eat foods of these colours or visualise them several times daily.
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