Green is a color that is commonly associated with healing, but other
colors are also healing. Yellow can give a sun ray of hope, or offer
optimism. Browns can calm us, helping us to connect to earth energies.
Which colors do you associate with healing? Be sure to tell us why you
are drawn to a particular color for comfort or healing.
Chakra Balancing
I am currently doing a spiritual
course and they taught us about chakra clearing but said start from the
root upwards then letting the light of golden white light flow downwards
and your saying start from the top crown down. Does it matter which way
you start? And if so, which is right?
Healing colors
My favorite color is green. I feel so
much better and think clearer when surrounded by green. My living room,
kitchen, and bedroom are different shades of green. Orange is ok, but
wearing it is out of the question for me. I do love pumpkins. That
orange brings warm earthy feelings.
- It is true and cannot deny, because of my
personal experience. In 1974 I was of 22 year healthy person but my
behavior towards other person even to my brother was more aggrieved
which ultimately come to end on fighting, usually in a week one fighting
was must in a fortnight. One of my very old relative's advice to my
mother a special color dress. that my mother did the same without my
consent even without discussing any family member. Dear reader it is
100% true after wearing such suggestive color dress my attitude become
very cool and my educational result show good progress. No fight, no hot
talk, during one year of dressing new color dress, after one year my
mother told me about this fact and I also relies this change. Dear
reader still if wear different color dress for a period of one week, my
aggressiveness came back automatically. I hope this color system will
be researched in scientific manner and will save human being from many
problems. Saad Shibli - pakistan
My healing color
- I love to use greens for healing... and
to wear green jade jewelry to heighten the vibration.
I have some chronic and genetic issues, so I use a lot of green in my
home decor too. I also knitted an afghan with my favorite healing colors
and we use it when we have a cold or just feel crummy.
My palette of colors
- I am in the process of making my
kitchen buttercup yellow, purple and leafy green. My home's backdrop is a
deep camel, and I am finding it needs more touches of color. I have had
a peach colored bedroom once, but in doing it this time to coordinate
with a particular bedspread, it was an irritating color, so it, also is
camel tan. A fav bedroom was a clear blue that mirrored the skies just
outside the upstairs room's deck.
healing rainbow
- My sheets as a very
young child were of (ironically) of rainbows with fluffy white clouds:) I
find healing colors to be blues and purples, for depth and spiritual
strength, deep reds for passion- fiery energy, corals/pinks to find my
feminine side show, and browns/blacks/greens for grounding.
Green is my comfort colour
- I
have always loved the colour green. Whenever I have felt stressed, or
depressed or sad, if I am wearing green or in a garden with lots of
green, or in a forest with lots of green, there is a great calming that
comes over me. I wear other colours as well (blues & browns
Reiki colors?
- I
enjoy to put together the healing color combo of blue, green and
purple, which is associated with Usui Reiki according to my Reiki
Master. Why purple? Purple is a powerful calming color. It has healing
power of blue with the vibrant energy power of red! Purple is the color
of kings and queens and it's regalness helps people to want to heal!
Green brings me comfort and energy
- My
library is in forest green. When I go in that room I am wise, secluded,
and calm. My "great" room is celery/grass green. It brings me
creativity and positive happy energy. It is my way of bringing the
outside nature in while living in a gray city.
My healing color
- I
identify with blue. Blue is soothing to me, perhaps because it reminds
me of water or of the unlimited possibilities beyond the sky, symbolic
of the unlimited possibilities within myself. Blue relaxes me and
invites creativity.
Healing Colors
- There
is something so healing about a mixture of purple, green and blue for
me. Whenever I see a mixture of these colors it immediately sends me
into a trance like state (well not completely) but if I allowed myself
to drift, these colors really take me away.
- Tones of the earth, browns, tans, beige, rusts, greens - all give me comfort to heal.
Healing Colors
- My healing color is green. I am a big fan of green and all things green. Green makes me feel happy and healthy.
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